
Event Event Date Event End Date
Radiographic interpretation of periodontitis, tooth resorption and periapical lucencies 30-05-2025 11:10 am 30-05-2025 11:40 am
Oral and dental pain. Diagnosis and treatment 30-05-2025 11:45 am 30-05-2025 12:15 pm
Safe and warm: airway management and hypothermia prevention in veterinary dental anesthesia - it's a team effort 30-05-2025 12:15 pm 30-05-2025 1:00 pm
Orthodontics: Rostral cross bite correction 30-05-2025 2:30 pm 30-05-2025 3:15 pm
Treatment of maxillofacial trauma: Case reports 30-05-2025 3:15 pm 30-05-2025 3:40 pm
Sialocele formation after dental extraction in 4 dogs 30-05-2025 3:40 pm 30-05-2025 4:05 pm
Cats are not small dogs, unique pathology for our feline friends 31-05-2025 9:00 am 31-05-2025 9:45 am
Cat mandibular fractures: Presentation, diagnosis, treatment. 31-05-2025 9:50 am 31-05-2025 10:35 am
Acute inability to fully close the mouth secondary to palatoversion of the upper canine tooth in kittens 31-05-2025 10:40 am 31-05-2025 10:55 am
Reasons to consider noninvasive to minimally invasive fracture stabilization techniques 31-05-2025 11:40 am 31-05-2025 12:10 pm
Why the mandibular first molar will keep veterinary dentists in business 31-05-2025 12:15 pm 31-05-2025 1:00 pm
The dentine pulp complex, fundamentals to the understanding of the response of teeth to insults 31-05-2025 2:30 pm 31-05-2025 3:00 pm
Proper dental ergonomics 31-05-2025 3:05 pm 31-05-2025 3:35 pm
Attitudes, experience, and self-confidence of veterinary and veterinary nursing students in smallanimal dentistry 31-05-2025 3:35 pm 31-05-2025 3:50 pm
Minimally invasive alveolar bone preserving extraction techniques in dogs and cats 31-05-2025 4:25 pm 31-05-2025 5:10 pm
Human factors - from aviation to veterinary dentistry and Into the future 31-05-2025 5:15 pm 31-05-2025 6:00 pm


Event Event Date Event End Date
Routine Dental Treatments - Quo vadis 30-05-2025 8:30 am 30-05-2025 9:15 am
There's a heart with the teeth: cardiac auscultation and sedation risks 30-05-2025 9:20 am 30-05-2025 9:50 am
Behavioural Assessment of Dental Pain in Horses: Development and initial validation of a proposed Equine Composite Oral and Maxillofacial Pain Scale (ECOMPS) 30-05-2025 9:50 am 30-05-2025 10:05 am
Full clinical pathological and bacteriological investigation of a giant nasal polyp associated with the developing apex of the permanent fourth premolar (Triadan 108) in a three-year-old Connemara filly: A Case Report. 30-05-2025 10:10 am 30-05-2025 10:25 am
Odontoma - malformation or neoplasia? 30-05-2025 11:10 am 30-05-2025 11:25 am
Clinical findings and risk factors of periodontal disease in Chilean horses. 30-05-2025 11:25 am 30-05-2025 11:40 am
Distribution of Naturally Occuring Fluorine in Equine Cheek Teeth and Penetration of Fluorine after Fluoride Varnish Treatment 30-05-2025 11:45 am 30-05-2025 12:15 pm
Informed Antimicrobial Prescribing in Equine Dentistry: What is the evidence? 30-05-2025 12:15 pm 30-05-2025 1:00 pm
A Comparison Between Occlusion in Brachydont and Hypsodont Dentition: Insights from Short- Crowned Counterparts. 30-05-2025 2:30 pm 30-05-2025 3:00 pm
Occlusal patterns encountered in the equine population 30-05-2025 3:00 pm 30-05-2025 4:30 pm
Occlusal patterns in horses: what can we learn from closed mouth endoscopy? 30-05-2025 3:15 pm 30-05-2025 3:45 pm
The techniques used for a large multicentre study (2024) on equine sinonasal disease utilising computed tomography 30-05-2025 3:20 pm 30-05-2025 4:05 pm
Equine Incisor - anatomical basics 31-05-2025 9:00 am 31-05-2025 9:45 am
The necessity and methods of incisor adjustment in horses in the context of dental treatment. 31-05-2025 9:50 am 31-05-2025 10:35 am
Incisor Adjusments - the discussion 31-05-2025 10:40 am 31-05-2025 10:55 am
Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH): News on aetiology and diagnosis 31-05-2025 11:40 am 31-05-2025 12:10 pm
Invited speaker Novel Technique for Stabilizing Rostral Fractures of the Equine Skull Using Temporization Material to combat Forces. 31-05-2025 12:15 pm 31-05-2025 12:45 pm
Equine teeth - cellular basics 31-05-2025 12:45 pm 31-05-2025 1:00 pm
Complications of Equine Dental Extractions 31-05-2025 2:30 pm 31-05-2025 3:00 pm
Understanding tooth extractions aided by partial crown removal and sectioning in 1045 cases. 31-05-2025 3:05 pm 31-05-2025 3:50 pm


Event Event Date Event End Date
Two years of predictable results with computer-aided design (cad) and computer- aided manufacturing (cam) orthodontic devices in rostral crossbites and level bites in 12 dogs 30-05-2025 11:10 am 30-05-2025 11:40 am
Feline chronic gingivostomatitis - something to chew on 30-05-2025 11:45 am 30-05-2025 12:15 pm
Techniques for the repair of clefts of the primary palate in dogs 30-05-2025 12:15 pm 30-05-2025 1:00 pm
Conservative veterinary dentistry - tooth- sparing debridement techniques and the use of self-etching sealants 30-05-2025 2:30 pm 30-05-2025 3:15 pm
The science behind the dental materials: Impression materials 30-05-2025 3:20 pm 30-05-2025 4:05 pm
Early diagnosis of malignant oral tumours in cats and dogs: Diagnostic modalities and clinical implications. 31-05-2025 9:00 am 31-05-2025 9:45 am
Surgical management of maxillofacial neoplasms 31-05-2025 9:50 am 31-05-2025 10:35 am
Clinical challenges of canine tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma: can we treat it effectively? 31-05-2025 10:40 am 31-05-2025 10:55 am
Revision principles in maxillofacial surgery 31-05-2025 11:40 am 31-05-2025 12:10 pm
Cutaneous reconstruction after major maxillectomies 31-05-2025 12:15 pm 31-05-2025 1:00 pm
Mandibular carnassial tooth malformation 31-05-2025 2:30 pm 31-05-2025 3:00 pm
Feline tooth resorption: actual knowledge and new classification 31-05-2025 3:05 pm 31-05-2025 3:50 pm
Use of ultrasound aided absorbable implants (ResorbX and SonicPins) in mandibular fractures in small animals 31-05-2025 4:25 pm 31-05-2025 5:10 pm
First report of presumed canine distemper virus inclusion bodies in the dental pulp of a dog 31-05-2025 5:15 pm 31-05-2025 5:30 pm
Mini screw implants for dog's canine 31-05-2025 5:30 pm 31-05-2025 6:00 pm

Research sessions

Event Event Date Event End Date
Computed tomographic characteristics of craniomandibular osteopathy in 20 dogs 30-05-2025 8:30 am 30-05-2025 9:00 am
Characterization and classification of keratinized odontogenic cysts in 29 dogs 30-05-2025 9:00 am 30-05-2025 9:15 am
Primary salivary gland neoplasia: Case series in dogs and cats 30-05-2025 9:20 am 30-05-2025 9:35 am
Use of removable palatal obturators in dogs and cats with large palatal defects 30-05-2025 9:35 am 30-05-2025 9:50 am
Computed aided designed palatal obturator in the treatment of feline oronasal fistula 30-05-2025 9:50 am 30-05-2025 10:05 am
Oral neoplasms in dogs: Case series study of 82 neoplasms 30-05-2025 10:10 am 30-05-2025 10:25 am
Surgical timing for exodontia of maxillary fourth premolars in dogs and cats: comparison between piezosurgery and rotary instruments 30-05-2025 11:10 am 30-05-2025 11:40 am
Post-operative complications following a mandibular reconstruction using rhBMP2/CRM in a dog with canine acanthomatous ameloblastoma 30-05-2025 11:45 am 30-05-2025 12:15 pm
Neoadjuvant trametinib for oral squamous cell carcinoma in dogs 30-05-2025 12:15 pm 30-05-2025 12:40 pm
Immunohistochemical diagnosis of canine acanthomatous ameloblastoma 30-05-2025 12:40 pm 30-05-2025 1:00 pm
Preliminary results of possible association between oral respiratory microbiota in cats with chronic gingivostomatitis 30-05-2025 2:30 pm 30-05-2025 2:45 pm
Antiviral effect of poly(styrene 4-sulfonate) (PSSNa) on feline calicivirus infection in cats - field study 30-05-2025 2:45 pm 30-05-2025 3:00 pm
Effect of silver nano particles on feline calicivirus - an in vitro/in vivo study 30-05-2025 3:00 pm 30-05-2025 3:15 pm
Development and validation of QLF-ED, a combination of extent (area) and density of dental plaque and calculus scoring system using Quantitative Light- induced Fluorescence in dogs 30-05-2025 3:20 pm 30-05-2025 4:05 pm
Longitudinal assessment of Yorkshire terriers’ oral health from 8 weeks to 18 months of age 31-05-2025 2:30 pm 31-05-2025 3:00 pm
Supernumerary teeth in related Burmese cats in South Africa 31-05-2025 3:05 pm 31-05-2025 3:20 pm
Evaluation of 3D printed dog teeth for preclinical training in veterinary dentistry 31-05-2025 3:20 pm 31-05-2025 3:35 pm
Use of gold crowns in endodontically treated canines: a long-term follow-up study in cats. 31-05-2025 3:35 pm 31-05-2025 3:50 pm
VBX1000, a new Cathepsin K inhibitor for treating periodontitis in dog: a Proof-of-concept study. 31-05-2025 4:25 pm 31-05-2025 4:40 pm
Oral malodour in dogs: real-time quantitative measurement of volatile sulphur compounds and the importance oftargeting different bacterial niches in the oral cavity. 31-05-2025 4:40 pm 31-05-2025 5:10 pm

Nurse Equine Stream

Event Event Date Event End Date
Dental setup for the routine dental examination in the horse 31-05-2025 9:00 am 31-05-2025 9:30 am
How to recognise pathology and preemt the further needs for diagnostics and treatment 31-05-2025 9:30 am 31-05-2025 10:00 am
Setting up for and performing equine dental xrays 31-05-2025 10:00 am 31-05-2025 10:45 am
Sedation and nerve block overview for the equine patient 31-05-2025 11:15 am 31-05-2025 11:45 am
Surgical site preparation for the dental patient 31-05-2025 11:45 am 31-05-2025 12:15 pm
Biosecurity in the equine dental practice 31-05-2025 12:15 pm 31-05-2025 1:00 pm
Equine dental extractions - possibilities, setup and equipment needs 31-05-2025 2:00 pm 31-05-2025 3:00 pm
Setting up for endodontic procedures, understanding of equipment and materials used 31-05-2025 3:00 pm 31-05-2025 3:45 pm
Maintenance of equine dental equipment 31-05-2025 4:00 pm 31-05-2025 4:30 pm
Question rounds 31-05-2025 4:30 pm 31-05-2025 5:00 pm