On-demand Congress

On-demand Congress
In addition this year, after the congress, all lectures will be available on-demand for those who could not attend in person. You can register for the on-demand congress via the link on this page. 
Please note that on-demand access to all lectures will be available 2-3 weeks AFTER the congress and on-demand access remains available till 1 May 2026 . All lectures will be recorded during the congress in Oslo. As on-demand congress participants you are able to view all lectures AFTER the congress, so you cannot participate live in discussions or Q and A. 

Click here to register for the on-demand congress


Click here to register for the on-demand nurse stream




fee EARLY before 2 April 2025

fee LATE
from 2 April 2025

Congress on-demand member

€ 500

€ 630

Congress on-demand non-member

€ 655

€ 785

Congress on-demand - Undergraduate students

€ 190

€ 235

Congress on-demand First year graduate

€ 190

€ 235

Congress on-demand Second year graduate

€ 265

€ 330

Congress on-demand Third year graduate

€ 350

€ 430

Congress on-demand Nurse stream Small Animal Stream

€ 90

€ 90

Congress on-demand Nurse stream Equine Stream

€ 90

€ 90

The registration fee for all participants includes
- Online access to the proceedings
- Recording access to all lectures AFTER the congress. Access remains available till 1 May 2026

Registration is valid on receipt of payment that must be submitted at the same time. Payments can only be made via secured online credit card payment. Upon receipt of your completed registration form and payment, you will receive a written confirmation or an e-mail of your registration. All payments should be made in EUROS (€). Personal cheques, foreign currency and cash payments on-site are not accepted. More information about payment procedure can be found in the online registration form. 

The Congress Secretariat must be notified in writing in case of cancellations.
Notification of cancellation of Congress fees should be directed to the Congress Manager. 80% of fees are refundable until 3 weeks before the congress, 50% from 3 -1 weeks before the Congress and no fee (0%) will be refunded from 1 week before the Congress.