Malaga 2017

Malaga 2017

26th European Veterinary Dental Forum

May 18-20, 2017 | Malaga, Spain

Continuing Education with a Bite:

Report of the 26th European Veterinary Dental Forum in Malaga, Spain


423 delegates from 38 countries gathered in Malaga, Spain, between May 18th to 20th, 2017 to catch up with friends and colleagues, and to meet inspiring speakers and experts at the 26th European Veterinary Dental Forum. 27 exhibitors and sponsors highlighted their services at this congress and provided an excellent commercial exhibition. The participants enjoyed a large exhibit hall with various booth exhibitors displaying products and equipment with direct application to veterinary dentistry.

The Europeans’ largest and most influential veterinary dental event was organised by the European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS) together with the European Veterinary Dental College (EVDC) and the Spanish Veterinary Dental Society (SEOVE). The Local Organizing Committee, presided by Jesús María Fernández Sánchez, offered a remarkable social program, featuring an exclusive welcome reception with 4500 (!) tapas at the Kaleido Port Restaurant, a famous and prestigious traditional spanish horse and flamenco show at El Ranchito and the EVDS Gala Dinner with excellent spanish wine and food at Torremolinos Congress Palace.

The European Veterinary Dental Forum commenced with the EVDC Training Day, which this year was held at the local Veterinary Specialist & Referral Centre. The training sessions could only take place with the extremely generous support of our equipment sponsors Accesia, Acteon, iM3, Kruuse, Midmark and Equine Blades Direct Ltd.

6 half-day wetlabs covered Surgical Dental Extractions in Dogs, Feline Dental Extractions, Periodontal Surgery, Management of Linguoversion of the Mandibular Canine Teeth, Restorative Techniques and Rostral Mandibulectomy and Maxillectomy.

Two half-day wetlabs in Equine Dentistry covered the topics Equine Periodontal Disease and Equine Dental Imaging. A full training day focused on Equine Dental Extractions. All wetlabs were tutored by Diplomates of the EVDC and AVDC.

The scientific program included many hours of lecture sessions with small animal dentistry essentials as well as intermediate and advanced level presentations. Keynote Speaker Fidel San Roman Ascaso, Full Professor of Surgery at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Complutense University of Madrid, gave an overview of New Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Small Animals. A lecture stream in equine dentistry was also presented and prooved very popular. With our best thanks to Acteon, who provided USB sticks for all participants, EVDF became more green: the first digital issue of the EVDF Book of Proceedings premiered in Malaga.


This year the EVDF Scientific Committee could again provide more room for hands-on lectures with a smaller and highly interactive audience. Tobias Schwarz held a Special Interactive Session which focused on Small Animal Masticatory, Oral and Dental CT & MRI. Further interactive sessions covered the topics Interpretation of Dental Radiographs, Oral Tumors, Cysts and Fistulas in Small Animal Veterinary Practice, Dental Case Scenarios in Day-to-Day Practice, VOHC Scoring Update, Dentistry in Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents and Orthodontics Case Discussion.

The European Veterinary Dental Society wishes to thank all our sponsors for supporting the European Veterinary Dental Forum, which included Diamond Sponsor Hill´s Pet Nutrition, Long Term Parter Royal Canin, Gold Sponsor IM3, Silver Sponsors Accesia, Acteon Satelec, Kruuse, Mars Petcare, Midmark, Planmeca Group, Virbac, Bronze Sponsors AllAccem, Buccosanté Swedencare, Eickemeyer, Keystone, Mai Animal Health, Sanos, and Exhibitors Arguser, Dearson Veterinary Products, Ecuphar, Equinvest, Horse Dental Equipment, Kavo Kerr, Suni Medical, Vetdicate and VIN News Service.

Once again, the congress attendance of 20 young graduates of veterinary medicine was sponsored by Royal Canin. Mars Petcare extended an invitation to the Young Graduates Dinner at beautiful Chiringuito Pedro Gutierrez Restaurant at Malaga beach.

The traditional Gala Dinner at Torremolinos Congress Palace was kindly sponsored by Hill's Pet Nutrition and IM3. Before the venue was turned into a huge dance floor with inciting live music, the President of the European Veterinary Dental College Jens Ruhnau introduced the new Diplomates of the College Rachel Perry (all species), Manfred Stoll (equine) and Sam Hole (equine). Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the EVDS, three EVDS members were lucky to win a free congress registration for the next European Veterinary Dental Congress in Innsbruck, Austria which will be held May 31st to June 2nd, 2018.

The following individuals will serve the European Veterinary Dental Society in the coming year: President Ines Ott, President Elect Henriette Booij-Vrieling, Secretary Katja Riedel, Treasurer Peter Haseler, Past President Lisa Mestrinho, Congress Manager Yves Deboschere.

We want to thank the speakers, tutors, the local organising committee, the sponsors and last but not least our members and participants for their generous and committed support, their continuing collaboration and invaluable contributions that make the European Veterinary Dental Forum what it is: the Europeans´ largest and most influential event to promote and advance veterinary dentistry.