25th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
19-22 May 2016, Dublin
Dublin is the capital of the Republic of Ireland and is Ireland’s largest city. It is located on the east coast of Ireland, overlooking Dublin Bay. Dublin City is surrounded by the greater Dublin area or Dublin County where the visitor can find an abundance of picturesque seaside villages, rolling mountains and rural hinterland, all within half an hour of the city centre.
CVE Credits
The following CVE points have been awarded by the Veterinary Council of Ireland.
- Wet labs (2 CVE credits per hour): 6 CVE credits per wet lab participation.
- Friday 20th May: 6.5 CVE credits
- Saturday 21st May: 5 CVE credits
There will be sign in and out sheets at the registration desk and delegates must sign in and out each day to secure their points. Veterinary practitioners are entitled to claim for CVE credits once they are live on the Irish Practitioner Register. Vets visiting from aboard will have to check with their own regulatory body for acceptance of Irish CVE credits.
18/05/2016 | Proceedings published online. Click on 'Proceedings' below 2016 Dublin to find them.
27/04/2016 | Scientific Programme was updated. Click on 'Scientific Programme' to find it.
07/04/2016 | CVE credits info published above.
03/04/2016 | Early Registration deadline
21/01/2016 | RCYG registration is now closed. Click on Royal Canin Young Graduates for more info.
03/10/2015 | Further information on the Congress was Published Online! Please find it on the left vertical menu or click bellow!
15/09/2015 | Call for Papers Closed
More Information:
- Proceedings
- Call for Papers
- Venue
- Travel
- Accomodation
- Scientific Programme
- Interactive Sessions
- Training Days
- Social Programme
- Royal Canin Young Graduates Programme
- Sponsoring